Measurement uncertainty of spark spectrometry in theory and practice

TAZ GmbH Aichach Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Str. 4, Aichach, Bayern, Deutschland

Addressed are managing directors (GF), quality management officers (QM) and those responsible for determining measurement uncertainties, whose aim is to achieve consistently high quality of the analysis results in accordance with current standard specifications. Basic knowledge of spark spectrometry and statistics is not mandatory. These will also be taught on the first day of the […]


Introduction to scanning electron microscopy in theory and practice

TAZ GmbH Aichach Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Str. 4, Aichach, Bayern, Deutschland

This seminar provides you with an insight into the performance and possible applications of modern scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Among other things, the basics, types of contrast, preparation and microscopy techniques are presented. With the help of many practical exercises, the seminar participants will be able to independently generate an image on the SEM, carry […]

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